Swim Teacher Course

The Royal Life Saving Swim Teacher Course provides the minimum requirements for those persons wishing to become a learn to swim instructor (for ages 4+). After completion of the course and your industry onboarding you will have the opportunity to apply for a RLSSQ Swim Teacher Licence as outlined in the Guidelines for Safe Pool Operations (GSPO). The Swim Teacher Licensee Handbook will be provided to candidates during the face to face component of the course and outlines the process to obtain a license.

It is assumed that participants are sufficiently physically fit and healthy to undertake this course. The following physical activities will occur during the course unless you advise of any physical difficulties or limitations: kneeling, bending over, crouching, standing, leaning, sitting, pushing, lifting weights, swimming long distances, towing, diving, carrying and other physical activity.

Course Details

Couse Cost: $380.00

Pre-requisite:  Reasonable communication, swimming & fitness is required

Course Length:  Two days (17 hours) (an additional 3 hours for CPR)

Minimum Age:  16 years old (however must be 17 to obtain a Swim Teacher License)

Validity:  12 months (for CPR)

Unit(s) of Competence

This course includes training for a workplace setting and upon satisfaction completion of all assessment activities, a Statement of Attainment will be issued in the following Unit(s) of competence:

  • HLTAID009 Perform Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (Optional)
  • SISCAQU020 Perform Water Rescues
  • SISCAQU023 Plan Swimming Lessons
  • SISCAQU024 Teach Water Familiarisation, Buoyancy and Mobility skills
  • SISCAQU025 Teach Water Safety and Survival Skills
  • SISCAQU026 Teach Swimming Strokes

Please check with your employer or work place that these are the correct units of competence.

Assessment Tasks & Activities

There are several assessment tasks and activities required to complete the course. Below is a summary of the assessment tasks and activities required to demonstrate competence in this course:

  • Theory Assessment (multi choice question and answer)
  • Practical Task 1: Session planning & delivery for water safety rescue techniques
  • Practical Task 2: Session planning & delivery for water familiarisation, buoyancy and mobility
  • Practical Task 3: Session planning & delivery for stroke development
  • Practical Task 4: Demonstrate: Perform Basic Water Skills: Non‐swimming Rescue
  • Practical Task 5: Demonstrate: Perform Basic Water Skills: Wade and Accompanied Rescue
  • Practical Task 6: Demonstrate: Perform Basic Water Skills: Contact and Non‐Contact Tow
  • Practical Task 7: Demonstrate water familiarisation, buoyancy and mobility skills
  • Practical Task 8: Demonstrate Swimming Strokes (six styles)
  • Practical Task 9: Demonstrate Dive Entries (Four types)
  • Practical Task 10: Fitness Test (2 x 50M swim & treading water for 1 min)

Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (HLTAID009) – Optional

  • Activity 1: Theory Assessment (multi choice question and answer)
  • Activity 2: Demonstration of Resuscitation on a manikin including Adult and Infant

Course Outline


Please click on the button below to enrol in this course.

Please contact us for all enquiries and enrolments.